I see a few mistakes here (a few frames that are in the wrong order) - I'll fix that after I rescan.
Here is the second one (in the final version I'll probably add more frames of the photos on the wall - just so you're aware of them, also, maybe slow down the camera move a little?):
By the way - the ink was really fun to draw with. I think it somehow works for animating because the shades of gray usually look pretty consistent. Matching the tones is much more difficult for me with the gouache and water colors, but the result is in color so I think it's worth the effort.
There are two things I would like to have help with - one is editing (I mean timing), so if you find that some parts are way too short/long please let me know. Also, if you have thoughts about how I should paint certain scenes, that would be nice too. Right now I'll go with what I think and hope that all the styles will click together at the end. After I'm done painting a scene there won't be time to repaint - I hope I get things right!!!
These are amazing!
And, yes, they look consistent! Ha, it seems that we're both dealing with the same doubts/questions about our work. "I hope I get things right!" I feel the same way!
In terms of pacing, I think these both work fine as individual clips. Perhaps it would be easier to gauge them relative to the entire film.
Good job. Good luck! And, Trust your instincts!
The timing feels very natural to me. I LOVE the moment before the window closes, as the white figure expands. Beautiful!
I agree with Deborah- trust your instincts!
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