For the passed week I've been working on this sequence and blocking in the timing (this clip has sound - so you can check out if it works).
I'm already seeing a few places where the timing should be a bit different (and one shot has no blinking in it!) . However, I have to remind myself that there will be music as well - so shots that seem too long now might feel more natural with music.
I have another dilemma about what to do next. The next line is " say that they(the Polish) have met another Jew that could be killed..". It might seem to be a kind of background remark, but I'm not sure if I should treat it that way. Most of what my grandmother and I talked about then, was really her experiences from the concentration camps. This is what makes this line so serious, and why I'm not sure how to approach it.
If I keep it really abstract (like I have it in the animatic now),that would be the safest way to go - and it could work out really well. However, it might seem like an understatement, or so unclear that it almost wouldn't mean anything.
On the other hand, if I try to explain this in a more graphic way (for example: use images associated with these events) then it would be 100% clear. But I may be seriously unqualified to animate this, and the last thing I want is for it to seem ridiculous in any way.
I think it would be best to find a way that has a little bit of both. I'll definitely have to think about this some more.